Hey rebols:
I see no replies to my bug/puzzle.
This is not a joke.
Do you know why ftp fails
on the second two FREE websites?
Do you know how to fix it?
Is it a bug in rebol? or a DNS issue? or a socks issue?
A firewall issue?
You get 4 FREE websites if you can solve the problem.

> I have more clues and a challenge to 
> the most expert rebolutionaries...
> See if you can figure this one out.
> Actually you get 2 free web-sites just for
> reading this message...
> I list below 4 sites that allow you to set 
> up free web-sites (not necessarily talking about CGI space here).
> You go into each of these sites, fill out the form
> and set up a free web-site.
> These two work with rebol ftp scripts.(No problems.)
> 1.   http://www.50megs.com/  
> 2.   http://www.hypermart.net/  
> Go ahead and set up your rebol/view test.r scripts on these
> and show them to the world.
> ---------------------------
> 3 and 4 below do not work with rebol ftp (not yet)
> I have tried various 'schemes' and
> rebol/core 2.2 and
> rebol/view - but can't copy any files
> to these websites with rebol ftp.
> 3. http://www.angelfire.com/     
> 4. http://www.freeyellow.com/   
> The problem has something to do with "passive ftp"
> I think. 
> Feel free to modify the ftp-upload function below
> to make it work. Or create your own ftp-upload function
> from scratch...
> ;-------------------------------------------------------------

ftp-upload: function [
     "Upload the html reports via FTP to the web server."
     orpt     ; object that specifies path/target-file and 
     ftp-block: [ 
         scheme: 'ftp
         host: server-name
         user: user-name
         pass: password
         path: orpt/ftp-path         
        target: orpt/filename
     print rejoin ["Transfering file " orpt/filename " via ftp..."  ] 
     write ftp-block read orpt/htm-file 

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