As suspected, the two sites you have problems with are not allowing straight
FTP. They probably are allowing passive via the browser interface. This
is the way most ISP's do it. Allowing FTP uploads is an ISP's worst nightmare.
Holger may know how to do it, but from what I hear it is not that easy to

Greg Piney
Sr. Systems Administrator
S&P Web Engineering

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 02/09/2000 01:39:11 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 
  cc:          (bcc: Greg Piney/McGraw-Hill/US)               
  Subject      [REBOL] Problems with FTP - Get 4 free         
  :            websites if you solve this puzzle Re:          

Hey rebols:
I see no replies to my bug/puzzle.
This is not a joke.
Do you know why ftp fails
on the second two FREE websites?
Do you know how to fix it?
Is it a bug in rebol? or a DNS issue? or a socks issue?
A firewall issue?
You get 4 FREE websites if you can solve the problem.

> I have more clues and a challenge to
> the most expert rebolutionaries...
> See if you can figure this one out.
> Actually you get 2 free web-sites just for
> reading this message...
> I list below 4 sites that allow you to set
> up free web-sites (not necessarily talking about CGI space here).
> You go into each of these sites, fill out the form
> and set up a free web-site.
> These two work with rebol ftp scripts.(No problems.)
> 1.
> 2.
> Go ahead and set up your rebol/view test.r scripts on these
> and show them to the world.
> ---------------------------
> 3 and 4 below do not work with rebol ftp (not yet)
> I have tried various 'schemes' and
> rebol/core 2.2 and
> rebol/view - but can't copy any files
> to these websites with rebol ftp.
> 3.
> 4.
> The problem has something to do with "passive ftp"
> I think.
> Feel free to modify the ftp-upload function below
> to make it work. Or create your own ftp-upload function
> from scratch...
> ;-------------------------------------------------------------

ftp-upload: function [
     "Upload the html reports via FTP to the web server."
     orpt     ; object that specifies path/target-file and
     ftp-block: [
         scheme: 'ftp
         host: server-name
         user: user-name
         pass: password
         path: orpt/ftp-path
        target: orpt/filename

     print rejoin ["Transfering file " orpt/filename " via ftp..."  ]

     write ftp-block read orpt/htm-file

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