I will try that out -but will I not loose the HTML formatting on the 
printed page?


At 2200 2/7/00 , you wrote:
>Would it be easier just to write a text file that's formatted for the
>printer rather than for the web? At the moment, you've got:
>write %form.html reduce [
>     <html><HEAD><STYLE>H1= {page-break-before:always}</STYLE></HEAD>
>     <body><CENTER><H1>"K.B.I. Application"</H1></CENTER><H5>
>     </body></html>
>web-page: read %form.html
>Wouldn't this be better as:
>web-page: reduce [
>     <html><HEAD><STYLE>H1= {page-break-before:always}</STYLE></HEAD>
>     <body><CENTER><H1>"K.B.I. Application"</H1></CENTER><H5>
>     </body></html>
>for the web page and then:
>     write %printer.txt rejoin [
>     "Name:"   cgi/name newline
>     "SSN:"  cgi/ssn newline
>     "Address: "  cgi/address newline
>     "City:    "    cgi/city newline
>     ]
>and to print directly to the printer on Windows machines, use a function
>Printer: func [Text [string!] /Page] [
>  secure [
>   %//prn [allow write]
>   ]
>  write %//prn Text
>  ; Append Carriage Return (CR) and Page Feed.
>  if Page [write/binary %//prn "^(0D)^(page)"]
>  Text
>  ]
>then you can do:
>     Printer rejoin [
>     "Name:"   cgi/name newline
>     ; blah blah blah
>     ]
>Would that help?
>Andrew Martin
>ICQ: 26227169

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