I'm not sure why you are using sort/skip. It seems to me, if date is the
first column of each record (line), you could use sort without refinements.

To sort on only the first character of a series of strings, use:
sort/compare f func [a b] [a/1 > b/1]

BTW you didn't really have a space between SORT and /SKIP did you?

- Michael Jelinek
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:59 PM
Subject: [REBOL] problem with sort a file


I tried to sort a file in a reverse order according to the date, which is
first column of the file. e.g foo.txt looks like this:

1-Feb-2000  bla bla bla
9-Feb-2000  bla bla bla
3-Feb-2000  bla bla bla

My script is :
file: read/lines  %foo.txt
file2: sort /skip file 4
write/line %foo2.txt file2

The output file foo2.txt looks as same as foo.txt, it didn't sort at all.
Can anyone tell me what's the problem? 

BTW, How can I sort the date in reverse order: sort/compare %foo.txt  func
[a b]
[a > b]  only sort the first character instead of the whole date expression.

Can I combine these two processes together?

Thank in advance.


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