
I'm afraid a universal solution is not possible.
I'd look at the source of HTML form page to see form field names, and
URL of the form's action. The form may also contain hidden fields for
username/password etc., and some fields may be even set by JavaScript
in form's onSubmit event. Then I'd try sending POST request from REBOL
(IIRC there's an example somewhere on rebol.org), with encoded form
fields, to the address from form's action.
If you told me the particular web site (is it a free web hosting
service?), I may try it myself, since I too have a dynamic IP address
and I want to make a redirect from some public website to my home

Michal Kracik

> >If I understand correctly, you want to upload your current dynamic IP
> >address to some server that has a static IP address, with a different
> >protocol than FTP?
> That is somewhat true. Though it's a picture I wish to upload - not my IP -
> but that might be necessery...
> >AFAIK there is nothing like a browser file upload, but web sites often
> >accept binary data encoded in HTTP POST request. There should be some
> >HTML form on the server that lets you enter file names on your local
> >computer, and when you press "submit" your browser encodes the files
> >and sends them to the server. There must be a component or a CGI script
> >on the server which accepts this data, decodes them into files and
> >stores them on the server. Now these components are different and you
> >must use the one that is installed on that web server to upload files
> >there.
> So it isn't possible, to create a universal script, to do excactly what you
> just described?
> K.
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