Hi Tim,

I enjoyed reading your description of your personal history and
your project. I don't know very much about web programming, but
I'll help when I can.

You wrote:

>P.S. I've got some ideas for a rebol "librarian",
>that could fetch reusable subroutines like the one
>the Eric wrote, and insert them into a project file.
>More about that later.

I'm not sure how necessary a project file is for REBOL programming,
at least at this stage. I never got to the point in C where I needed
a project file, but my understanding is that project files are handy
to speed up the process of compilation (so that you don't have to
recompile files if their code hasn't changed), and to link in compiled

I think with REBOL you don't have to do (can't do) anything more
complicated than including files. A lot of us have written utilities
for this. I have one on rebol.org called dore.r that is a big help.
It indexes all the *.r files below the REBOL home directory. Then you
can do my-script.r with just:

   dore my-script            ; takes a word! argument


   dore/maybe my-script

will do that script only if it hasn't been done. This is the statement
I use as an equivalent to an include statement. Also,

   dore/list my-script

will print out a list of functions and objects defined in that script.
I could send you the latest version if you're interested.

See you,

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