G'day, folks  I've been enjoying the discussions on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  It is 
obvious that the flexibility of REBOL unleashes a lot of creativity. I am 
still trying to get my head around  some of your discussions, but here's a 

I was testing is-primes? that comes with the REBOL Core 2.2.x distribution: 
%is-prime.r  and found that it comes up with the following:
>> is-prime? 341
== true
>> 341 / 11
== 31
>> 561 / 11
== 51
In the process I wrote a prime number generator %primes.r  which defines a 
function primes [N] that returns a series of primes from 2..N-1 and posted 
it to rebol.org category math. I hope it comes in handy. 
Comments/enhancements are most welcome!

 I have one question, though (several actually, but this one will do for 
now, I think :)
[flags/:mult: 0  gives this error
** Syntax Error: Invalid word -- :mult:.
** Where: (line 45) flags/:mult: 0 ;-- this does not work. why? NV 6/2/2000
This stumped me. Earlier I had declared [mult: make integer! 1] Surely, it 
is in scope.
I was trying to set the "mult" th item in series "flags" to 0 . I got 
around that by using the "remove" and "insert" methods. If this type of 
problem was discussed elsewhere, I missed it. Please let me know where to 


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