Attached is a script for collection object,  I wrote it to get similar
functionality to the collection & dictionary objects in vb and vbscript.
(With a bit of modifiction it may suit your associative array needs).


Allen K

>>col make collection []
>> col/set-item "Apple" "Red"
>> col/set-item "App" "Office"
>> col/get-item "App"
== "Office"
>> col/get-item "Apple"
== "Red"
>> col/get-item 1
== "Red"
>> col/get-item 2
== "Office"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 10:05 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Associative Arrays in Rebol? Re:(2)

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, you wrote:
> >I think select and paths should come close to what you're asking:
> >>> select [ a "this is a" b "this is b" ] 'a
> >== "this is a"
> I'll have to ponder that for a while but my first thought
> is that doing it that way would make it difficult to
> populate it from a data file of arbitrary data.
> Here is a snipit from the Awk doc's that explains what I'm
> after.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Arrays in awk superficially resemble arrays in other
> programming languages; but there are fundamental
> differences. In awk, you don't need to specify the size of
> an array before you start to use it. Additionally, any
> number or string in awk may be used as an array index, not
> just consecutive integers.
> In most other languages, you have to declare an array and
> specify how many elements or components it contains. In such
> languages, the declaration causes a contiguous block of
> memory to be allocated for that many elements. An index in
> the array usually must be a positive integer; for example,
> the index zero specifies the first element in the array,
> which is actually stored at the beginning of the block of
> memory. Index one specifies the second element, which is
> stored in memory right after the first element, and so on.
> It is impossible to add more elements to the array, because
> it has room for only as many elements as you declared. (Some
> languages allow arbitrary starting and ending indices, e.g.,
> `15 .. 27', but the size of the array is still fixed when
> the array is declared.)
> A contiguous array of four elements might look like this,
> conceptually, if the element values are eight, "foo", "" and
> 30:
> Only the values are stored; the indices are implicit from
> the order of the values. Eight is the value at index zero,
> because eight appears in the position with zero elements
> before it.
> Arrays in awk are different: they are associative. This
> means that each array is a collection of pairs: an index,
> and its corresponding array element value:
> Element 4     Value 30
> Element 2     Value "foo"
> Element 1     Value 8
> Element 3     Value ""
> We have shown the pairs in jumbled order because their order
> is irrelevant.
> One advantage of associative arrays is that new pairs can be
> added at any time. For example, suppose we add to the above
> array a tenth element whose value is "number ten". The
> result is this...
    Title: "Collection Object"
    Author: "Allen Kamp"
    Date: 11-Sep-1999
    Purpose: {To provide an object similar to the VB collection object.}
    Notes: {I should hide the values and attributes lists (or make read only).
            And add a method to return a paired block, for iteration,
            also add a clone method}
    Usage: {
              >> col: make collection []
              >> col/set-item "Apple" "Green"
              >> col/set-item "Orange" "Orange"
              >> col/set-item "Grapes" "Purple"
              >> col/count
                 == 3
              >> col/get-item "Apple"
                 == "Green"
              >> col/set-item "Apple" "Red"
              >> col/get-item "Apple"
                 == "Red"
              >> col/exists "Apple" ;--Return the index or else false
                 == 1 
              >> col/get-item 1
                 == "Red"
              >> col/remove-item "Apple"
              >> col/get-item "Apple"
                 == none
              ;-- if you want to add to the beginning of the list
                 col/set-item/pos "Apple" "Granny Smith" 1
              ;-- to return the list of attributes or values
collection: make object! [

    values: make block! [] 30
    attributes: make hash! [] 30


    count: func [][length? attributes]


    exists: func [
        attribute [any-string!]
        /local mark
        either found? mark: find attributes attribute [return (index? mark)][return 
     remove-all: func [][attributes: make hash! [] 30 values: make block! [] 30 exit] 


    remove-item: func [
        key [any-string! integer!]
        /local index
         either integer? key [ 
             index: key
             if not index: exists key [exit]
         remove at attributes index 
         remove at values index


    get-item: func [
        {Returns the value for the key or index. Returns none if does not exist}
        key [any-string! integer!] {Attribute name string or an index}
        /local index
        if not integer? key [
            either index: exists key [
                key: index 
                key: 0
        return pick values key


    set-item: func [
        key [any-string!] {Attribute name string}
        /pos position [integer!] {Specify a position in the list}
        /local index
        either pos [
            insert at attributes position key
            insert/only at values position value
            either index: exists key [
               change/only at values index value
               insert tail attributes key
               insert/only tail values value

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