> Hi all,
> Im fooling around with rebel/core and find the documentation skips
> around a little to much for a bonehead like myself:
> I want to try a simple procedure: open a file, find a text marker in
> that file, and replace the marker with text from a standing file.

->> help replace
Replaces the search value with the replace value within the target series.

    target -- Series that is being modified. (series)
    search -- Value to be replaced.
    replace -- Value to replace with.
    /all -- Replace all occurrences.

> As I see it I need to open the file and make it a series so that I can
> perform the remove and insert. Is this so?

I am not sure you will not have to read the file, perform replacing and
write that file back to disk ....

> I also want to strip out html comments. I thought I could access those
> comments using the find/any specifying comments as "<!--*-->" but I
> dont seem to have any luck.

once again - use replace ....

or parse ...

parse string [any [thru "<--" copy result to "-->" (print result)]]


> Could some kind soul please point me in the right direction.
> Regards,
> Alan
> ----------------------------

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