Is it fair to call it Visual rebol or rebol for Windows, maybe rebol++?
Perhaps not, as some take offense to that sort of comparison.

In my limited experience with /view, it appears to have more of a graphical
interface (GUI) capability whereas core has a text interface.  I believe
/core scripts will run unchanged in /view, whereas the converse is not true.

There are others on this list more qualified to define /view though.
Perhaps one of them will respond shortly.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 3:37 AM
Subject: [REBOL] B2 Status Re:

What is REBOL/View?  Is it a text editor built especially for REBOL?

>Just wanted to give you a quick update on REBOL/View Beta 2 status:
>We're still cranking away, but getting much closer now.

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