Hi Ladislav:
        Thanks, you got it! All I was doing was
using the wrong data type in the function arg.

Obviously, I am not entirely clear about the
distinction between "port" and "file" data types.

Can anyone enlighten me, or point me to the
documentation that will clarify for me?
regards :>) 

At 11:13 AM 4/2/00 +0200, you wrote:
>----- Puvodní zpráva -----
>Odesláno: 2. dubna 2000 7:33
>Predmet: [REBOL] [REBOL]Problem with function argument
>> Hello All:
>> I am getting an error message when attempting
>> to pass a value as a argument to a user-defined
>> function:
>> the error message is:
>> fprint expected fp argument of type: file.
>> ** Where: fprint fp "line one"
>> code follows: thanks in advance to all!!
>> tim
>> ; first the function
>> fprint: func [fp[file!] value[string!]]
>> [
>>   either not-equal? fp none
>>   [
>>     write/append fp value
>>     write/append fp newline
>>   ]
>>   [ print value ]
>> ]
>> fp: none
>> ; check for server name in cgi environment variables
>> either equal? system/options/cgi/server-name  none
>>    ; value is empty, presume the script is run from commad line
>>    print "no server name, application run from console"
>>    fp: open/new/write %hello.htm
>> ]
>> ; script is invoked via server, yes, I know we need
>> ;   a content-header string, etc here.
>>   prin "Server name: "
>>   print system/options/cgi/server-name
>> ]
>> ; call function
>> fprint fp "line one" ; rebol doesn't like this
>> ; if the file has been opened, close it
>> if not-equal? fp none [close fp]
>The header of your function should probably be as follows:
>fprint: func [fp[port! none!] value[string!]]
>to allow open ports and none as the valid arguments.
>Moreover, the following:
>>   either not-equal? fp none
>>   [
>>     write/append fp value
>>     write/append fp newline
>>   ]
>>   [ print value ]
>> ]
>will not work for ports. You can change it to:
>either fp [
>    append fp value
>    append fp newline
>] [print value]
>    Ladislav

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