> How do I make a value global? That is, so that
> it can be "seen" by any code in a file, include
> user-define functions?

Values are global by default, aren't they? Although I have noticed that loop
indices are local to the loop block, and of course function (dummy)
arguments are local to the function...

> I would also welcome advice as to the pro and cons
> of using globals, as well as when best to use
> them, and what under what circumstances where such
> usage would be a bad idea.

We could probably start a mailing list on the debate regarding the use of
globals, but most people are probably tired of rehashing the arguments.
There was one passage I read that nailed it down as well as anything: If all
(or most all) of your functions use particular piece of data, then that data
should probably be global.

On the other hand, library functions should never use globals.

- Michael Jelinek

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