Thought I would throw a little different take on
this thread:
I'm a modestly accomplished C/C++ programmer. I use
C++ extensions carefully and conservatively. I love
C because of it's great extendability. I've done a lot
of CGI programming in this medium
and will most likely continue with it as my main programming
language for the foreseeable future, especially for
large databases.

I'm using rebol because it is a C program written by  
far better programmers than I am. (Carl S and company).
I know it will be a valuable addition to my tool kit.

And I am also looking at Python. Rebol has got a lot
to learn from Python, but I think they WILL learn
from python and be better than either python or perl.

just my point of view.
At 01:05 PM 4/3/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Re the "ideal scripting language": have you looked at Python?
>Rebol is great for internet related scripting, but as a general scripting 
>system, Python is about as good as it gets right now (in my humble opinion).
>At 09:19 AM 4/3/00 -0700, you wrote:
>>....about scripting languages is that they let you do a whole lot *very*
>>quickly and then you're stuck.  My current case in point, is this program
>>I'm writing to sync files from the three different computers I use to a
>>central location.  (bookmark files, address books, etc.)
>>All the stuff that I expected to be hard was easy: querying a FTP site,
>>uploading and downloading files, comparing file dates and times.
>>The part that I expected to be easy seems impossible: setting the time on a
>>file in the local file system.  I never once imagined that I wouldn't be
>>able to do this.
>>It's incredibly frustrating.  Is there a way to make calls to custom DLL's?
>>===== Original Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at 4/03/00 8:06 am
>> >Hi
>> >
>> >Does anyone know the SERIES package for CommonLisp
>> >( and can explain difference and common 
>> referring to Rebol ?
>> >
>> >Thanks
>> >
>> >AR
>> >
>> >--
>> >Sent through GMX FreeMail -

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