Hello Rebolizers,

I've written a simple wiki-like hypertext system named Vanilla in Rebol
(implemented as Apache CGI script). It's still an Alpha but already
quite usable. Eventually it should evolve to become a full-featured CMS,
but since it's more a pet project of mine than anything else progress is
steady but still slow.

Intro & Installation:


I find Vanilla useful for ...
* site prototyping (content structuring)
* brainstorming
* simple databases (adress lists, links etc.)
* interconnecting ideas
* weblogging

Vanilla is extremely flexible and it depends mainly on your creativity
what you are able to get out of it.

It has a super-simple extension "architecture" and several interesting
capabilities like inclusion and more or less intelligent linking.

One of next things I'd like to implement is WML rendering.

I hope some of you are fearless enough to try it out and comment
on/improve it.

Best regards,

c h r i s langreiter - - - unterlangkampfen 3 2 7
f o r m  is function -- autriche 6322 langkampfen
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There are three kinds of lies:
lies, damn lies, and statistics.
--Benjamin Disraeli

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