Thanks Allen K.
This is what I need all right!
At 09:03 AM 4/10/00 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi Tim,
>Best way to learn what is in the system object, is to use Bo's
>browse-system.r script
>from archives.
>Many of the entries in the system can also be accessed through mezzanine
> source what-dir
>what-dir: func [
>    "Prints the active directory path"
>The note on not using source system is in the FAQ.
>>From the FAQ
>Q. I find that when I type SOURCE SYSTEM, SOURCE REBOL, or PRINT SYSTEM, the
>computer will lock up. Why?
>A.  Viewing the system object should only be done with care. Future
>revisions of the system object are going to change, therefore, use the
>mezzanine level functions to access system object information when possible.
>With that said, here is an example of viewing the system object:
>    >> print mold first system
>    [self version product words options user script console ports
>     network schemes error standard]
>    >> print system/product
>    Core
>WARNING: DO NOT enter 'print mold second system' or 'print mold system'
>since this will cause the interpreter to hang.
>Allen K
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 8:36 AM
>Subject: [REBOL] [REBOL] System object documentation
>> I can't seem to find documentation on the system
>> object. Dictionary says:
>> "For advanced discussion on system, see the Users Guide"
>> But I find little or nothing on the subject.
>> I also note that even Rebol/View locks up (on Windows NT)
>> when I attempt
>> print mold system or probe system.
>> Where can I find complete documentation?
>> thanks
>> tim

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