OK, so in the following function...

make-banner: func [/ad adnumber /local url img alt] [
    set [url img alt] skip banner-db either ad [ 
        adnumber - 1 * 6
        random (length? banner-db) / 6
    rejoin [{<a href="} url {"><IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="} alt {" 

...how does adnumber get its value and what is the purpose of the 
adnumber word?

>you now have 18 entries in the
>database, six records of length 3 each, and not 36 entries. But when 
>call make-banner with the ad refinement, get
>adnumber - 1 * 6
>is 6 - 1 * 6 = 30. No wonder you get none.

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