> Dear REBOL friends,
> I guess I goofed!  We've been working so hard on making new products and formulating 
>business strategies around here, that we've not paid any attention to our web page.  
>Last week, someone commented that we looked "dead" because our web page had not been 
>updated in over a month.  I agreed... and decided to do something about it.
> Yesterday, I thought I should let it be known that we are making great progress here 
>at REBOL HQ.  Over the last month we've come a long way in our product development 
>efforts and in our business development plans.  In fact, over the last month I hired 
>a great guy to help me run the company (which we'll be announcing soon) and there 
>have been several other important strategic developments (not all of which we can 
>talk about for a while).

"Who's that girl?" (c) Madonna
"Who's that guy?" (c) -pekr- :-))) (Do we know him from Amiga past? RJ Mical, David 
Junod? :-)

> Over the last week I've been spending my time in the rebcave writing REBOL/author 
>(man, you should see what a 35KB /View program can really do... very nice.)  I came 
>out of the cave long enough to make that update to the web site, and today things 
>have gone crazy, not just on this list, but everywhere!

Come on Carl, release it :-) btw: how is new event/timer thingy for /View doing? :-)

> So, what about REBOL/Command?  That's what you want to know, right?
> There is both good news and bad news. The good news is that, yes, we do have 
>/Command out to a small group of beta testers and the feedback has been positive.  
>The bad news is that it runs on only a few platforms at this time, and we want to put 
>more features into it before we release it to a larger group.
> Currently, the beta release of /Command has ODBC, external library (DLL) calls, and 
>shell command access.  But, I thought you wouldn't want to hear from us until we also 
>had encryption, asynchronous messaging, network service management, full XML support, 
>modules (namespaces), on-demand component loading, tasking/threading, etc.  So, we 
>didn't make a big deal out of the beta 1 release.

Just one question which can be imho answered - will any of above features make it to 
/Core too?

> Of course, I forgot about that yesterday and blurted out that it was in beta, and 
>now you want to try it.  I can't blame you.  I would too!
> So, what now?
> We don't want to do an open beta test of /Command because it will become too crazy, 
>and we'll be overloaded.  Bo and his wife just had a baby girl (Congratulations Bo!), 
>so he's not around,

ha, I talked to him just few days ago, Congratulation from Czech Republic, Bohdan. 
What's here name? :-)

> and Scott is doing three jobs at the same time, just as Jim, Sterling, Jeff, and 
>Holger are trying to write several new products at the same time, and Erin just 
>completed a couple new chapters for the manual, and Danny is getting you four new 
>REBOL books from some big book publishers, and the executive crew has put together a 
>new business plan, and we're moving into a larger building next week, but the network 
>connection isn't ready, and whew, that's a lot going on. <grin>  But this is fun.  I 
>love this pace. It feels like the old Amiga startup days.  We're rocking and rolling.
> So, here's my suggestion.  I have to talk to Dan about it, but, if you really want 
>to test /Command beta 1, and you can:
> 1. test it with an actual database (using ODBC),
> 2. test the external library and shell calls,
> 3. not just report bugs, but suggest about how they might be fixed,
> 4. keep it strictly confidential and to yourself,
> 5. and, you do not care that it only runs on a few platforms right now,
> then we could send you a copy... after Dan approves it.  But remember, /Command will 
>be released as a commercial product and, because of the features it supports, it is 
>not intended to be platform independent (like /Core is).
> If you agree to this, then send [EMAIL PROTECTED] an email telling him what kind of 
>project you are doing, and he will get back to you.
> Do not worry if Dan says no.  As we add more features to /Command, we'll need more 
>beta testers.  Right now we don't have the staff to keep up with the demand and 
>feedback.  (Although, we do plan on expanding our staff in a couple months, so if 
>you're looking for a new job...)
> So that's the plan.
> Keep on rebolling,

Thanks for your email, very encouraging one ...


> Carl Sassenrath
> REBOL/Founder

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