Here's a copy of Carl's email regarding Command. Adding Me too to the list 
will not result in any addition to the beta program.  Thanks for your 
interest!  dan
Dear REBOL friends,
I guess I goofed! We've been working so hard on making new products and 
formulating business strategies around here, that we've not paid any 
attention to our web page. Last week, someone commented that we looked 
"dead" because our web page had not been updated in over a month. I 
agreed... and decided to do something about it.
Yesterday, I thought I should let it be known that we are making great 
progress here at REBOL HQ. Over the last month we've come a long way in our 
product development efforts and in our business development plans. In fact, 
over the last month I hired a great guy to help me run the company (which 
we'll be announcing soon) and there have been several other important 
strategic developments (not all of which we can talk about for a while).
Over the last week I've been spending my time in the rebcave writing 
REBOL/author (man, you should see what a 35KB /View program can really 
do... very nice.) I came out of the cave long enough to make that update to 
the web site, and today things have gone crazy, not just on this list, but 
So, what about REBOL/Command? That's what you want to know, right?
There is both good news and bad news. The good news is that, yes, we do 
have /Command out to a small group of beta testers and the feedback has 
been positive. The bad news is that it runs on only a few platforms at this 
time, and we want to put more features into it before we release it to a 
larger group.
Currently, the beta release of /Command has ODBC, external library (DLL) 
calls, and shell command access. But, I thought you wouldn't want to hear 
from us until we also had encryption, asynchronous messaging, network 
service management, full XML support, modules (namespaces), on-demand 
component loading, tasking/threading, etc. So, we didn't make a big deal 
out of the beta 1 release.
Of course, I forgot about that yesterday and blurted out that it was in 
beta, and now you want to try it. I can't blame you. I would too!
So, what now?
We don't want to do an open beta test of /Command because it will become 
too crazy, and we'll be overloaded. Bo and his wife just had a baby girl 
(Congratulations Bo!), so he's not around, and Scott is doing three jobs at 
the same time, just as Jim, Sterling, Jeff, and Holger are trying to write 
several new products at the same time, and Erin just completed a couple new 
chapters for the manual, and Danny is getting you four new REBOL books from 
some big book publishers, and the executive crew has put together a new 
business plan, and we're moving into a larger building next week, but the 
network connection isn't ready, and whew, that's a lot going on. <grin> But 
this is fun. I love this pace. It feels like the old Amiga startup days. 
We're rocking and rolling.
So, here's my suggestion. I have to talk to Dan about it, but, if you 
really want to test /Command beta 1, and you can:
1. test it with an actual database (using ODBC),
2. test the external library and shell calls,
3. not just report bugs, but suggest about how they might be fixed,
4. keep it strictly confidential and to yourself,
5. and, you do not care that it only runs on a few platforms right now,
then we could send you a copy... after Dan approves it. But remember, 
/Command will be released as a commercial product and, because of the 
features it supports, it is not intended to be platform independent (like 
/Core is).
If you agree to this, then send [EMAIL PROTECTED] an email telling him what 
kind of project you are doing, and he will get back to you.
Do not worry if Dan says no. As we add more features to /Command, we'll 
need more beta testers. Right now we don't have the staff to keep up with 
the demand and feedback. (Although, we do plan on expanding our staff in a 
couple months, so if you're looking for a new job...)
So that's the plan.
Keep on rebolling,
Carl Sassenrath

At 08:12 PM 4/23/00 -0700, you wrote:
>And ME.
> >
> > Don't listen to them... put ME on the beta testers
> > list ;)
> >
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On 19-Apr-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the
> > > subject [REBOL] Rebol/Command
> > > ME TOO Re:(2):
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > > Ok, another round of ME TOOO's.
> > > > Please add me to the list of REBOL/Command Beta
> > > testers.
> > >
> > > Um, me too too. :)
> > >
> > > Kind Regards,
> > > Ed.
> > > --
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> > > The World Foundry LLC - Amiga PPC - Explorer 2260 -
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> > >
> > > Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody
> > > does anything about it.
> > >         -- Mark Twain
> > >
> > >
> >
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>Richard Laing
>Vancouver, CANADA
>"Much may be made of a Scotchman if he be caught young."
>  Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

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