> Is there any way to make REBOL return a two-digit /month or /day or /hour or /minute 
>or /second ?
> I have a file-naming scheme which names files based on the date and time they are 
>created in the following format...
> 20001225122345.html
> The above file was named at 12:23:45 p.m. on Dec. 25, 2000
> But unfortunately REBOL returns a single digit for a /day for example if the day is 
>less than 10. This is not satisfactory since I want to be able to find my newest 
>document at the tail of the directory.

 if (length? tmp: to-string now/day) < 2 [insert tmp "0"]

or just make block of days and do "select days to-string now/date" ...


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