Hello Gabriele 

> On 06-Mag-00, you wrote:
>  a> the "REBOL-header" is skipt even if it is somewhere in the
>  a> code, even in nested blocks?!
>  a> when at start of line!
>  a> this means i have to check for occasional REBOL everywhere in
>  a> my save - databases?!
>  a> Bug, yes?
> No, I think this is intended behaviour. (rip works thanks to this,
> too.) If the string contains a REBOL header, it is assumed to be a
> script... but perhaps this should happen for files only, and not
> for strings?

Well, rebol talks about simple databases and "better xml".
how can i use it if a occasianal "rebol" can crash the data?
. REBOL can be part of the data on save and after that load 
will crash, in an otherwise correct programm.
maybe a new refinement LOAD/DATA which ignores headers?
Or an explicit option at start for skipping before REBOL, 
perl does it this way.

i think this header-trap is as random as dangling pointers,
if one does not know about it. This stuff should be avoided
in a beginners language.
Or there should be a warning: "currently not for saving serious data!"

for me i was expecting i can load/next parts of rebol-source.
i loaded the header-block by hand to get only defined fields,
after moving behind the first rebol i used load/next .
works very well, except with the parser itself.
load moaned, and i could not figure out why. 
only occasinally i discovered the header-way of load/next,
and the parser contains a REBOL somewhere..

BTW i also dislike the [a: ""] trapp. i programm the usual way,
"write, test run, change, test .." without restarting rebol.
and if the test works fine, i'm shot in the 
back if a second complete run gives "random" errors. 
sourcecode should try to show what will happen, 
without this "oh yes, learn the magic rule
#44b23, says [a: copy""]! stupid boy!"
especially in rebol, which seems so clear i ride with lowered shield..

I suggest inline-strings and blocks should be read-only, 
copy [] can be written. this should fix surprises.
and COPY/PROTECTED could be a feature?
I heard this [a: ""] was discussed some time ago,
is there a collection of arguments somewhere?

Then there must be a timeout if rebol runs serious remote (cgi..).

And a warning about contexts/bind while this crashes so reliable.

What else?

Is there a public-readable bug-list somewhere?

Because, avoiding some stuff, rebol is very stable, and the real trapps
could be mentioned on a single page? There should be one.
I would not trust guys shooting me in the back once a long time,
(except i like them so mutch :) A longer time than not to try because
i read helpfull warnings about it, maybe..

> Regards,
>     Gabriele.
> -- 

> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer
> Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/


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