I had a similar problem with IIS 4.0 and 5.0, where I could not kill a rebol 
cgi process that was having problems. I would open task manager, try to end 
the process, and get an "access denied" error. I found that if I stopped the 
web server, through the management console, or through the Services applet 
in Control Panel, I could then go back and end the rebol process 
successfully in task manager. I didn't have to reboot the server.

>Subject: [REBOL] Endless looping processes. Re:(4)
>Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 12:28:18 +0200
>Hello brian,
>Monday, May 08, 2000, 9:41:35 PM, you wrote:
> >>PKtc> That's not question related to rebol, right? If you can't kill NT
> >>process,
> >>PKtc> then how to stop infinite loop?
>bhbc> Start Task Manager. Go to the Processes page. Sort by name.
>bhbc> End every rebol.exe process. No reboot necessary.
>Yes, but there where some problem with the rights for that process,
>but we are going to test some more later on.
>Regards, Fredrik Bergstrom
>PowerWebs AB
>Wåxnäsgatan 10
>S-653 40 Karlstad
>Tel: +46-(0)54-103377
>Fax: +46-(0)54-103376
>ICQ# 7654213

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