References:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

       Howdy Gabriele, agem:

       Load/next will only skip past a REBOL header when it
       sees something like this:

          { something something ^/REBOL []}

       If you have a block like this:

          [something something rebol []]

       and you SAVE it, you won't wind up with "REBOL []"
       preceded by a newline, so it will LOAD/next back in as
       you like, an element at a time. Also, you can always
       TRIM/lines other strings that you want to LOAD/next if
       you suspect there may be REBOL headers within the


> On 06-Mag-00, you wrote:
>   a> the "REBOL-header" is skipt even  if it is somewhere in
>   a> the  code, even  in nested  blocks?!  when  at start of
>   a> line!  this means i have to  check for occasional REBOL
>   a> everywhere in my save - databases?!  Bug, yes?
> No, I think this  is intended behaviour. (rip  works thanks
> to this, too.) If the string contains a REBOL header, it is
> assumed to be a   script... but perhaps this  should happen
> for files only, and not for strings?
> Regards,
>      Gabriele.
> --
> Gabriele  Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -  Amigan  - REBOL
> programmer  Amiga    Group    Italia   sez.   L'Aquila   --

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