On 25-May-00 04:59:38 lorrainemagnus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> REBOL is the "language of the free" yet IT is not free.
> The following are 3 incompatible statements made by
> Carl & Company.


all very interesting.....

you should see some of the early lava/rebol promo/hype.

and even better yet, what it's really all about.

Imagine if you will, the rebol team as your friends.


some say the agents didn't have the language to describe your world....
But that certainly try to appear that they do....

Hey, try astrology.com for a free horrorscope, since birthdays and
superstition are so important to you.....

wanna see one I came up with?


the things that could have and should have happened long ago, haven't
because of a need to control....

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