What are you talking about????



     Really appreciate all of you guys hard work and i know this is the one that will make this whole internet thing fall into place if you make enough noise.     So how do you get it in every computer? Easy. Give  away  a message app. with friend list auto forwarding and retrieving for files and attachments(the clincher, will not allow unknown attachments to get to the personal computer thats not from friends),with calender.  Run it all on the Rebol server.r script from the personal computer.      It's still lightweight, personal and can talk to anyone (smaller & less hassel than java) on and off line as a full blown executing app.   Remember it's only a rebol view and rebol core script. It would'nt be hard to do.  (it has been done allready but its in pieces all over the place) HOW?    It MUST operate like a VIRUS. The mail from the friend is prewritten asking if the reciever would like to message with the sender personally on & off line with calender forwarding and retrival of personal info.  Tell them that now they can verify if you sent them an attachment. Next, they click (one click for win32's,Linux, & Mac) the yes link and Reb core downloads followed by rebol view.  Reb view app. opens and asks to send same Reb welcome letter to their friend email addresses.   Make sure you put one of those thingamabobs (Reb link) on it.   Who knows they might get Rebolutionized.   Rebolists should be encouragd to put this link on their web page as well as a replacement for the guest books. Now What?  Just wondering if its possible for those who spread the Rebol app. to a certain number of friends  could be given a free email address for messaging. Encourage that through Rebol email we have our first true means for networking in a one to many messaging enviornment.  Who can do it?   Well, RT should build the initial script, (it has to be a true Rebol.r for publicity reasons) a skeleton if you will. Post the script to the www & mail list as the  first Open Source Script.  It's open because anyone can add their own gui's and upgrades to it through a script list. Now users can customize with out having to program.(thats want public users like about apps anyway when they are non trivial) 

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