Hi Volker,

I wrote this with your new editor. So, you beat me to it ;-). Well, not
really. I had something more light-weight and less capable in mind. I still
see a "market" for that.

BTW, I first had a weird bug, when I tried to run .readme. I was able to
track it down to the fact that I have my own word 'files defined in my
user.r. It's a function.

Because you ask value? 'files and only set files if it does not have a
value to a block, and because in my case 'files was set - to something
quite different - the word files was not set to a block. When you later
tried to access files/1 
if either files/1 ...
you inadvertently caused a very weird error.

I understand that you had problems putting everything in a context. That's
not surprising. Currently the use context mechanism is buggy and breaks
when the garbage collector kicks in.

Objects, however, are stable. Why not provide ed as an external function
and move everything else into an -ed object? 

The objects you use can become objects embedded in the -ed object.

Do you think that might work?

Anyway, I'm having fun using it (so far), have to learn a little more about
its commands. 
So far I've mastered .bs, .be, and .db :-)

You're right, word wrap is needed!

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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