Hi Ryan,

sounds good. 

The critical issue for me here would be to check that REBOL/Command can
work well with the serial drivers you are using.

Since in Linux / U*x systems, serial drivers are implemented as special
files (if my memory serves me well, it's been ~ 15 years since I did serial
programming on u*x  machine), even REBOL/Core should be able to handle it
using non-buffered file ports. That shouldn't be a problem, but I'd test it

In MS OSs you would have to access the serial port through a dll. And this
may be a little tougher to get right. REBOL's event-driven environment does
not scale well to IRQ driven, or polling driven Serial I/O. Haven't played
with Serial ports since Win 3.x, so again, my advice may be antiquated.

If you run into problems, you may want to try using one of the thoroughly
tested serial i/o libraries for MS Win, compile a dll application that does
the low-level serial i/o stuff, and use REBOL/Command to interface with the

At 12:04 PM 5/30/00 -0700, you wrote:
>I need some guidance as to whether REBOL/View/Command has the
>capabilities for an upcoming project.
>A friend of mine is going to migrate a Visual BASIC security system
>product to another language and maybe even from the Win9x platform.
>This is a good time for him to learn REBOL, that is if REBOL/View and
>REBOL/Command will be able to handle the problem at hand.
>The system will need to communicate to two other devices via the serial
>port. I assume REBOL/Command will do that with the help of some serial
>driver programs.
>It needs to run solely with a touch screen interface, which operates
>like a mouse. REBOL/View should do this job I suppose.
>There needs to be the ability to have multiple terminals/clients, which
>run of a single server.  I expect that REBOL/Command could help us
>there, since I could do that with REBOL/Core.
>I assume REBOL/View can work as a client to REBOL/Command.  REBOL/View
>being a visual version of REBOL/Core and REBOL/Command being a binary
>executing version of REBOL/Core (amongst other things).
>Am I on the right track here?  Will REBOL do this?

;- Elan >> [: - )]

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