[REBOL] editor for /core here Re:(2)

Hi Volker!

you wrote: 
[snipped quite a few things I cannot respond to right now. Later ...]
>Thanks for testing, whish-list, other feedback :)
>i have more fun working on it now :)

Since you appear to respond quite reasonably to my observations, here's more ;-)

(BTW, I've been using the editor on and off all day. Ran into a few out of range
errors, but recovery apparently works quite well.)

1. I wasn't able to figure out how to load a pre-existing file. Apparently internally
the function open-t/cache filename works quite well, when you subsequently call
ed. So I wrote my own little function. 

ef: func [filename [file!]] [ open-t/cache filename ed ]

(Ok. So I basically copied your .readme function.)

and added it to files.r.

Unless I overlooked your "open existing file" macro/function, why not include it?

2. How do I tell edi to forget a file that's in the cache?

3. Apparently cached files are not remembered from REBOL session to REBOL session. 
Can I change this behavior? I.e. can I restart edi in a new REBOL session and edi
will remember the files I had opened previously?

4. tt and ^l work well enough. Very useful!

5.  Can opening of duplicate copies of the same file be prevented?

There are a few things I plan to add, as soon as I have a moment.


;- Elan [ : - ) ] / Oh, this email was also written in edi.r. What else? ;-)

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