Duh, is there a /view list?  I can't remember where it is if it is,
but please let me know if this is not good for the regular list.
I just started using /view with the latest beta 4.1 announcement.


I am finding that the viewer.r utility that came with rebol/view
is really cool, but unfortuntely, the load-ed jpgs are not released
from memory when the next picture is load-ed, or something.
On NT, you can watch the memory usage climb and climb higher
until eventually you get out-of-mem.

I remember somebody used to have a way to manually force
garbage collection, but I don't remember what it was and
I don't know if it would help anyway.

While fooling around with the same program,
I sorted the file-list in alphabetical order.

I also changed the viewer.r to add a button called jump.
I can type in a new name for the file and hit the jump
button.  It works, but there's something odd happening.

After the first one or two I can't get my mouse in the
name field, even though it is still yellow.
By chance I noticed that if I switch away to another
field I can then switch back to the first and the field
responds again.

(by the way, I don't think these two problems are related,
because the viewer.r was choking out-of-mem before
I ever started tweaking the file)

I might as well include the program since somebody
will probably be wondering what stuff I changed.

(See attached file: viewer.r)

(I have not yet noted my own fiddling in the rebol script header itself.)



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