> On 02-çen-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > galt wrote:
> >> Andrew, you play the fiddle?  I didn't know that!
> >> I love playing the fiddle, too!  (although I seem
> >> to spend more time playing with Rebol these days...)
> >
> > Sorry, I meant fiddling as in playing or fooling around in REBOL.
> >
> > :-)
> >
> > Swaine in DDJ once mentioned that programmers have a high correlation with
> > musicians. I wonder how much of a correlation there is with REBOL scripters
> > and musicians there are on this list?

I play violin (a bit too violently - I broke my bow on Paganini recently) and used
to love composing stuff in Octamed.

> Since 90s when I bought an Amiga and found Protracker2.3 (or was it ver
> 1.something? doesn't matter anyway...) I'm still trying and now I am member of
> two local bands ( WEIRDDREAM - www.volny.cz/weirrdream and BULLERBYNE -
> bullerbyne.musichall.cz (not sure with this - we STRONGLY need to update our
> pages)) and I co-organized some parties in two or three clubs here in Brno,CZ.
> With Bullerbyne we played in 1998 on JAM festival in Prague with Bjork, Banco
> de Gaia, Apocalyptica...
> Now sound interests me more than music and I'am trying to write modullar
> synthesizer for REBOL. Partial results can be found on sintezar.bizland.com .

It looks interesting. You seem to be on the right track. I'm glad I'm not the only
one to think of this use for rebol! (Trying to dowload it now... Oh yes, it makes
a sound! Took 3 seconds using the pc at work...)
I had a lot of ideas in this area. Rebol seems such a great language to use.

For example, I wanted to make a kind of tracker where all the different columns of
data are fully separable. We shouldn't be limited to fixed block sizes and rigidly
aligned tracks.
Also, we should be able to use the results of a track as a sample, inserting it as
many times as we want, and optionally applying different effects each time. This
should be a recursive technique, meaning that we should be able to embed tracks
within tracks within tracks... With lots of caching, this can be done.

Then there is the issue of control. With one slider we should be able to do many
interesting things at once. For example, given a series of volumes:

myvolumes: [1 1 1 1]

we should be able to program a slider so that it alters any combination of these
If we link it so that it alters the third a fourth value, when we move the slider
down, we should get for an instant [1 1 0.5 0.5].

myvolumes may be used in a song at many places. Because it has been embedded in
several tracks, when the playing position gets to a point where myvolumes is used,
the latest updated values are used to compute the track volume.

But, because it's just a series, it needn't necessarily be used only to specify
volume... eg. cutoff, resonance.
And the same slider action could also control something like the octave of an
instrument, etc etc ad inifiinitum.

I need a dialect for all these specifications. Rebol has gone halfway already. I
need to do the other half. Do I sound like a madman? I know it can work! A tracker
in rebol might be a bit slow, though... but for dialecting and testing it will be

I need some feedback from people. I don't think I can do it on my own anymore.
It's too big!
Save me from my frustration and madness! ;-)


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