On 05-Giu-00, you wrote:

 n> end-of-paragraph: rejoin [{.} newline]

 n> ;does not work as I desire (i.e. parsing ONLY by instances of
 n> a period followed by a newline character.) Using a charset

When you use PARSE in that way, it splits the string at each
occurrence of any character in the second string; that is, the
first string is split each time a #"." is found, and each time a
newline is found. PARSE will split the string twice if the two
characters are found in sequence.

Anyway, a working solution is:

breakdown-content: func [
    "breakdown an e-mail content field into its parts"
    msg [object!] "e-mail message"
    article-info: msg/content
    content-parts: copy []
    parse/all article-info [
        some [copy part thru ".^/" (append content-parts part)]
        ; this is if you need to keep the last paragraph
        ; even if it is not ended by . and newline
        [end | copy part to end (append content-parts part)]

Using your example I get:

>> content-parts
== ["^/^/First paragraph here.^/" "^/Then a second paragraph. Another sentence.^/" 
"^/A final paragraph.^/" "^/"]

If you want to get rid of the newlines, you can use TRIM/LINES,
    append content-parts part
    append content-parts trim/lines part

This way I get:

>> content-parts                                                     
== ["First paragraph here." "Then a second paragraph. Another sentence." "A final 
paragraph." ""]

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

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