> I note that you don't say which September.  Is this going to be like the
> "Offical Guide" that was coming in October then January then June
> then...?
> Or is there really going to be a book on the book store shelves in
> September?
> Sorry if I seem skeptical but Microsoft's marketing strategy
> seems to have
> take hold in related industries as well.
> Paul

Dear Paul:

Please do not attribute the troubles of others to me<g>. I signed the
contract to do REBOL FOR DUMMIES in early February of this year. According
to the contract, I was to do 120,000 words by June 12th (today). I turned in
the final mss. of 122,604 words on June 10, two days early (lots and lots of
my hours in that book). So, yes, the book is not just on but AHEAD of
schedule for September 1 release (publishers build in time for authors
turning in manuscripts late--I was not late, so the book is now early<g>). I
believe it to be one of the best and most exciting books I've ever written
and feel very, very good about the job I did. I have a passion for REBOL and
it comes through in my book. This guide will certainly be helpful in
learning REBOL, and it includes some unique coding that I hope will engender
spurts of creativity from many in the REBOL community.

But, let me add, I was lucky on this book. Everything came together and I
had some great support from fellow REBOLians (thanks, troops!). As author of
over 80 books and publisher of several hundred, I can assure you that this
is not always the case. In defense of the authors and publisher of the other
book, there exist any number of gremlins and other reasons to delay books,
most well beyond control of the author. Books are very complicated beasts to
build. I wish them well and offer my congratulations as it appears that
their book is finally coming to market. My copy is on order. Elan's and
John's book and mine serve different purposes; I recommend adding both to
your library.

--Ralph Roberts

Ralph Roberts, CEO
Alexander Books / Creativity, Inc.
65 Macedonia Road
Alexander, NC 28701
1-800-472-0438 voice & fax tollfree U.S. & Canada
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