Hi Jeff,

tried your idea of a secure script execution without the need for
random word generation:

secure-do: func [
    {secure script execution}
    untrusted [block! file! string!] {untrusted script}
    security [block! word!] {specify net/file policy}
    protected [block!] {words to protect}
    /local my-words my result
] [
    ; create a temporary storage for system/words
    my-words: make system/words []
    ; converts words to my words
    my: func [words] [bind words in my-words 'system]
    ; file and net security
    security: do reduce ['secure security]
    ; protect Secure and Secure-do at least
    protected: bind union protected [secure secure-do] 'system
    do compose/deep [
        ; protect words
        unset protected
        ; do untrusted script
        (my [if error? set/any]) 'result (my 'try) :untrusted [
            result: disarm :result
        ; restore the words
        (my 'foreach) word protected [
            (my [set/any word get/any in]) my-words word
    ; restore file/net security
    do reduce ['secure security]
    get/any 'result


    secure-do [1 / 1]  'throw []

>   Crazy, no?  With REBOL you can be very possesive about your
>   words.  No, they're MY words! :-)

>    What a swell language...
>   -jeff

There may be some problems with GC, I think. GC corrections should
take this situation into account...


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