THANKS!! :) Julian. It worked.:)

I'm going to start using rebol to
edit audio files. I found out that
.au sound files are contructed
simple and the samples can
easily be modified with rebol
scripts. I attached a text file I got
incase anyone wants to work with
sound files.

with 8-bit audio this is what I
learned about .au files.

Hex codes:

00 to 7F - is below zero ( and 00 is farthest from zero )
FF          - is zero
FF to 80 - is above zero ( and 80 is the farthest from zero )

timmy :)
The following is supposedly the sound format used by Sun and Next

[ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marshall Rose) ]

Audio data is encoded in three parts: a header, containing fields that
describe the audio encoding format; a variable-length information field,
in which, for instance, ASCII annotation may be stored; and, the actual
encoded audio.  The header and data fields are written using big-endian

The header part consists of six 32-bit quantities, in this order:

longword        field           description
--------        -----           -----------
    0           magic number    the value 0x2e736e64 (ASCII ".snd")

    1           data offset     the offset, in octets, to the data part.
                                The minimum valid number is 24 (decimal).

    2           data size       the size in octets, of the data part.
                                If unknown, the value 0xffffffff should
                                be used.

    3           encoding        the data encoding format:

                                    value       format
                                      1         8-bit ISDN u-law
                                      2         8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM]
                                      3         16-bit linear PCM
                                      4         24-bit linear PCM
                                      5         32-bit linear PCM
                                      6         32-bit IEEE floating point
                                      7         64-bit IEEE floating point
                                     23         8-bit ISDN u-law compressed
                                                using the CCITT G.721 ADPCM
                                                voice data encoding scheme.

    4           sample rate     the number of samples/second (e.g., 8000)

    5           channels        the number of interleaved channels (e.g., 1)

The information part, consists of 0 or more octets, and starts 24 octets
after the beginning of the header part. The length of the information
part is calculated by subtracting 24 (decimal) from the data offset
field in the header part.
 Bill Janssen      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      (415) 812-4763
 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center      FAX: (415) 812-4777
 3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, California   94304

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