Hi, you can use insert/dup:

n-tab: func  [n [integer!]] [head insert/dup copy "" tab n]

> Anton,
> Forgot one word - copy :)
> n-tab: func  [ n (integer!) ] [ loop n [ append copy "" tab ] ]
> john
> >
> Hi Anton,
> You could always try
> n-tab: func  [ n (integer!) ] [ loop n [ append "" tab ] ]
> print rejoin ["my name is: " name n-tab 3 "my hobby is: " hobby
n-tab 2]
> (I am pretty sure there is a neater way to do this other than
append, but
> it works)
> cheers,  john
> >
> Hi !
> I can't think of a way to do this:
> I wanted to write something like this:
> print rejoin ["my name is: " name 3 * (tab) "my hobby is: "
hobby 2 *
> (tab)]
> where each n * (tab) is supposed to give back something like
> tab tab tab .... for n=3 etc.
> Of course, it doesn't work, but is there a nice way to write
> It's like some sort of "macro multiplier"
> How would you guys do it?
> I don't really want to write:
> loop 3 [print tab]
> in the middle, breaking apart the string...
> -Anton.

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