At 03:17 PM 6/27/2000 +1200, you wrote:
>Mike Yaunish wrote:
>> Am I doing this correctly or is there another way to initialize the
>"buried" variable?
>You're doing it correctly. There's a problem with Rebol here, I believe.
>Use blocks to store your object code, like this:
>main!: [
>    name: "Mike"
>    sub: make object! [
>        name: "sub-name"
>        function: "sub-func"
>    ]
>Then make new 'main objects like this:
>main: make main! [
>    ; extra code to initialise object here.
>    ]
>This leads to objects that have a lot of code in them, but the embedded
>objects are individual to each object, not the same one.
I think I have found another bug then. If I do as you suggest I get the
following results:

main!: [
    name: "Mike"
    sub: make object! [
        name: "sub-name"
        function: "sub-func"

>> main: make main! [ name: "Joe" ]
== [name: "Joe"]
>> probe main
[name: "Joe"]
== [name: "Joe"]

Let me know if you see the same results and I will submit it as a
Feature" .

Mike Yaunish

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