> Announcing the release of REBOL/Core 2.3!
> This new version of REBOL/Core includes many
> improvements only available in beta versions
> of our REBOL/View and REBOL/Command products,
> until now.

This is great, thanks, and congrats to all the REBOL team... but <g>...

I was going to use 'feedback' to report that FTP is still broken but it
seems that 'feedback' itself now does not work. I get:

>> feedback
** Script Error: feedback has no value.
** Where: feedback

and the FTP error that has appeared in all REBOLs since 2.2 is still there:

>> read ftp://ftp.abooks.com/
connecting to: ftp.abooks.com
** User Error: Server error: tcp 425 Can't build data connection: Connection
** Where: read ftp://ftp.abooks.com/

This latter is a bit critical for us here to get working again.

But... overall... 2.3 seems nicely improved.

--Ralph Roberts

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