Hi Allen,

really very nice work. 

At 02:55 AM 7/1/00 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi Rebols,
>I've just finished an update of the Rebolforces Reb. I've added a number of
>the interface features people asked for. You can now choose to run, download
>and browse the colorised source for each script. ("+" maximises the
>minimised  windows too) .
>If you haven't visited for a while, click the download icons before running
>scripts to force an updated version to be cached on your system.
>The view-FAQ I wrote is also linked from the reb as well as 13 other view
>Have a good weekend! (and pity us Aussies as we wake up to a new tax system)
>Allen K
>Use the REBOL forces link from the Rebol Tech Reb or use the link below
>do http://www.janita.com.au/rebolforces/reb/index.r

;- Elan [ : - ) ]

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