Hi Rebols,

while playing around with objects, I trapped into this:

>> f: func [] [print "Hello!"]
>> f
>> spec: []
== []
>> append spec to-set-word 'attribute
== [attribute:]
>> append spec 5
== [attribute: 5]
>> append spec to-set-word 'function
== [attribute: 5 function:]
>> append spec :f
== [attribute: 5 function: func [][print "Hello!"]]

Okay, looks like I'm now having an appropriate specification block for
making an object, but:

>> probe object: make object! spec
** Script Error: function needs a value.
** Where: function: func [][print "Hello!"]

What's this? Shouldn't the above return something like

make object! [
    attribute: 5
    function: func [][print "Hello!"]

The same error occurs if I'm printing spec:

>> print spec
** Script Error: function needs a value.
** Where: function: func [][print "Hello!"]

where one would expect

5 ?function?

I'm guessing that the error occurs because of wrong contexts of the words in
the spec block. Am I right? And what am I doing wrong here?

Even studying the Rebol.org threads on Contexts and Rebol internals & implementation 
(recently mentioned on the list) gave me no idea ...


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