> Thanks for the pointer Brett.
> Seems a little odd that a "messaging system" would not be inclined to talk or at
> least listen to something as fundamental as a com port. Think of all the serial
> devices hanging off the end of PCs that need monitoring in real time. Given that
> I just "discovered" (thanks ddj) Rebol perhaps there is something I am missing?

Hmm, just tell me please how do you want to stay multipltform then? Well, I suggest
you looking at /Command version where you can interface to external libraries, or,
if you want to still use rebol for free - writing an "gate" app, listening on some
port to rebol, while handling COM port issues on another side ..


> > My understanding is you cannot access the com port directly from Rebol.
> > However, I used IPComserver a program by http://www.iox.co.za to essentially
> > give the Com port a tcp/ip port.
> > Then I could use Rebol with tcp/ip through IPComserver to talk to my device.
> >
> > Brett.
> >

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