REBOL Press Online specifically held off offering this book until it was at the printer because of the confusion that publication delays cause. (Book release dates are something like software release dates. <g>) We now have a firm shipping date from the printer and the first books will go to our distributor to fill pre-publication orders.

Don't buy it from strangers! <G>
Danny Ramsey, Publisher, REBOL Press
The Official Source for REBOL Books


>REBOL: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE, the first commercial book about
>the REBOL language, is now at the printers! You can check
>the contents and read a sample chapter at REBOL Press

I thought it was interesting to note that Barnes And Noble
says this book has a "sales rank of 127,053", for the
*February Edition*.

Does that mean they sold 127k+ copies of a nonexistent book? is selling the *July Edition* with a "sales rank
of 84,434".  Sold?  Searched for? Page looked at? What?

Their prices are less but you don't get the Special Offer:

>Special Offer: Order your advance copy of REBOL: THE
OFFICIAL GUIDE (with CD) directly from REBOL Press Online
and receive an exclusive, limited-edition DESIGNER'S TIP
SHEET written and signed by REBOL's Designer, Carl
Sassenrath! Not available in bookstores or through any other
source. It includes numerous insider tips that make REBOL
scripts easier to write and more powerful to use.

For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:
Chemical Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,
Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.

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