You're having a lot of fun, and I'd like to understand what you're doing.
Can you recommend a good entry level resource for functional programming?

At 05:35 PM 7/2/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Brett!
>While you're reassembling, think of the advantages that this
>trick can give you. This kind of assignment can be useful for
>implementing what the C world calls static local variables.
>You can set a word to a literal string value, then append to
>that string to create a string accumulator. This allows you
>to build a string incrementally.
>You can set a word to a literal block and store values in it.
>This allows you to use a function like a Scheme closure, a
>function with values bundled in it, like OOP in reverse. This
>technique allows OOP-like programming with better control of
>your data because it is hidden inside the function. Look at
> for an
>example of how this technique can make for bulletproof code.
>The most fun with this technique comes when you use compose
>to create your code blocks. For example, consider this:
>     f: func [key] [
>         table: make hash! [a "a" b "b"] table/:key
>     ]
>Trivial, true, but imagine that pattern with a much larger
>hash table, or a large binary value, or a dozen charsets for
>a parse process. You can't directly represent those values
>as literals - they get recreated every time. Do that in a
>function and the function gets really slow. But do this:
>     f: func [key] compose [
>         table: (make hash! [a "a" b "b"]) table/:key
>     ]
>and the hash table is only created once, right before the
>function is created. All calls to f then reference the now
>literal hash table, making for a very fast, memory efficient
>If you can use literal hash tables in a function, you can do
>one of the coolest tricks from the functional-language world,
>memoization. When you memoize a function, it remembers the
>results of the calls to the function, so that later calls of
>that value don't have to recalculate the result. You can even
>do this from the outside with a separate function, although
>REBOL's flexible args make the general case of that rather
>tricky (I'll work on it). Here's a one-arg memoize function:
>memoize: func ["One-arg memoize, kinda weak :(" 'f [word!]] [
>     set f func [x /local f saved res] compose [
>         f: (get f) saved: (make hash! [])
>         either res: select saved :x [first res] [
>             res: f x
>             append saved reduce [:x reduce [res]]
>             res
>         ]
>     ]
>I know, it looks awkward, but this can speed up functions
>that have to go through even worse trouble to calculate
>their values in the first place. It also helps with those
>that use deep self-recursion to calculate their values, as
>REBOL's stack space is quite limited.
>Fun stuff?
>Brian Hawley
>><picks jaw off ground/>
>>Thanks Ingo,
>>I'll just have to go away and reassemble some brain patterns...
>>----- Original Message -----
>>Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2000 12:48 AM
>>Subject: [REBOL] Parser seems to have bug - different results on multiple
>>calls. Re:(4)
>> > Hi Brett,
>> >
>> > maybe this little func 'll show you what's happening ...
>> >
>> > test: func [] [
>> >     s1: ""
>> >     s2: copy ""
>> >     append s1 "Hi, I'm changed"
>> >     append s2 "I'm not ..."
>> >     source test
>> > ]
>> >
>> > >> test
>> > test: func [][
>> >     s1: "Hi, I'm changed"
>> >     s2: copy ""
>> >     append s1 "Hi, I'm changed"
>> >     append s2 "I'm not ..."
>> >     source test
>> > ]
>> >
>> > You see, s1 has literally been changed in the source-code,
>> > s2 has not. (It's one of the Rebol traps everyone has to
>> > fall into once.)

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