Hi Ole,

The problem is in your sort-func all the return values are true. I think
this'll give better results:

sort-func: func [n1 n2] [
  loop input-length [
    n1: n1 + 1
    n2: n2 + 1
    if n1 > input-length [n1: 1]
    if n2 > input-length [n2: 1]
    c1: pick input n1
    c2: pick input n2
    if c1 > c2 [return  false]
    if c2 > c1 [return true]
  return true

It seems a little odd, though, that there's no way for the comparison
function to say that the two values were equal.

By the way, your script redefines 'input, which might not be a good idea.


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