The very nature of CGI dictates that anything that is to be printed to the
output stream of the program is sent to your browser. The job of the
webserver is the make sure this happens for any cgi-program that requested.

> example:
>   >> a: probe make lit-word! "b"
> 'b
> == 'b
> 'b will be shown in my browser,

So in you example you have used the word "probe" which actually is a "print"
to your current output stream.
Type "?? probe" at the console prompt.

So the short answer, if you don't want it in your browser don't use print or
probe, etc.
If you need to debug an installed cgi-program, then write your debug
information to a file and look at that later, or send your debug info to the
browser with markup so it looks pretty :)
Or, if you are doing all your testing on your own Rebol based webserver on
your own machine, define a word in the webserver that will allow access to
the normal console output port. So that as the cgi script runs it will
output to the normal console for the webserver. But, it's a bit beyond me at
the moment to do this.


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