here is my sample script.  The problem is that he script continues evaluate
the block as objects instead of strings.  Someone tell me how to get the
correct URL out of this instead of ftp://?object?:?object?@?object? which
should be ftp://administrator:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



view layout [

    backdrop 0.128.0 title "Pauls FTP Access" 255.255.0

    host-addr: text "Enter Host Address" field ""
    login-name: text "Enter Login Name" field  "administrator"
    Pass-word: text "Enter Password" field "whatever"

    button "Convert to string" [
         host-addr2: to string! host-addr
         login-name2: to string! login-name
         Pass-word2: to string! Pass-word

     button "test" [
         print type? host-addr2
         print type? login-name2
         print type? Pass-word2

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