Hi Jeff,

>   ---------------------------------
> #!/path/to/rebol -qs
> REBOL [File: %/home/me/bin/reb]
> random/seed now
> print do system/options/args
>   ---------------------------------
>    Using the above script opens up lots of possibilities. From
>    the command line you can do stuff like this:
> ## Quick command line calculator
> reb "1 + 2"
> ## Help create filenames -- nicer than using unix 'date' command
> cat log > log`reb now/date`.txt
> ## pick a random file
> foo=`reb x: read %. prin pick x random length? x`
> ## dump mail to file
> reb read pop://me:pass@site > mail-box
>     The possibilities are endless. REBOL one liners really can
>     be handy from the shell. You can mix in a little bit of
>     REBOL into shell expressions and you get a pretty swell
>     enhancement to life in the process. :)
>     Any other args, pro and con welcome. I'll put the whole
>     thing together into a "Request For Enhancement" and nail
>     it to Carl's door.. (;
>     -jeff

Is the startup speed going to be worked on?  It would be nice if Rebol
just sprang up on slower systems...

Julian Kinraid

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