OK, tried this in BSDI:

message: import-email stdin: copy system/ports/input

and I get:

** Script Error: import-email expected data argument of type: string.
** Where: message: import-email stdin

So I did:

stdin: copy system/ports/input

print type? stdin

And it's a block... How did this work for you?

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 11:31 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] impossible email dream Re:(2)
>        Boy, guess I'm a little absent minded these days (too
>        much on the mind): Here's a more correct version of the
>        example mail filter I sent...  -jeff
> > #!/path/to/rebol -qws
> > REBOL [
> >      Title: "Mail filter"
> > ]
> > 
> > stdin: copy system/ports/input 
> > message: import-email stdin
> > 
> > foreach [item file][
> >      "REBOL" %rebol-box "Debian" %deb-box "me" %me-box
> > ][
> >      if find item message/content [
> >          write/append file stdin exit
> >      ]
> > ] write/append %default-box stdin
> > 
> > quit
> ;-same thru REBOL header
> ;- saves a step
> message: import-email stdin: copy system/ports/input  
> foreach [item file][
>     "REBOL" %rebol-box "Debian" %deb-box "me" %me-box
> ][
>     ;- the args to find were backwards
>     if find message/content item [
>         write/append file stdin 
>         QUIT ;- instead of exit (not in function)
>     ]
> ] 
> write/append %default-box stdin
> quit

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