> I can read this file:
> read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/resume.html
> but not this one:
> read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/résumé.html
> ** User Error: URL error: http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/résumé.html.
> ** Where: read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/résumé.html

An unescaped é is not valid in URLs, it should be encoded as %E9
http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/résumé.html fails for me in IE5.5, but works
in NT4.7
http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%E9sum%E9.html works in both.

More details can be found in RFCs 1738 and 2396.

In REBOL, (at least in REBOL/View you must prevent the %E9
encoding from being decoded too soon. A literal %E9 in a URL gets decoded
into é immediately; therefore in literal URLs you must escape the % by using
%25, or hide the url inside a string.
read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%E9sum%E9.html doesn't work, but
read to-url "http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%E9sum%E9.html" does, and so
read http://www.melbourne.net/antonr/r%25E9sum%25E9.html.

C programmers will recognize this as being similar to backslash encoding in
literal strings, where \n means a newline character, \t means tab, so \\
must be used to mean a single \.

Non-C-programmers will probably just roll their eyes.

- Brian

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