Hi Elan,

your Mental Model looks elaborated. The problem is, that it
doesn't describe the behaviour of Rebol 2.x correctly (no offense
meant). I could discuss it, but the problem is, that your Mental
Model's notions of "Context Table", "Value Bindings", "Currently
Active Context", "Effective Context Table" "Context Table Stack"
are not very useful for explaining the behaviour of Rebol Contexts
correctly. Instead of using your text and proving some errors, I
am writing a correct description of what is going on, which I find
more useful and less misleading for anyone watching the

Next time.


> Hi Ladislav,
> thanks for your response.
> In the message you were responding to, I was commenting on your
> function example. Why then did your response include a
> function - your second example - that contains an embedded fun2
in a parent
> fun1? Both functions have an argument called x. Were you trying
> demonstrate that each of the two x's retain their respective
binding, which
> is local to their respective functions? I was not disputing
> Certainly the two x's are bound in different contexts. The first
'x in
> fun1's context and the second 'x in fun2's context. Given that
each 'x is
> bound in a different context, and the context of both x's is
extended by
> appending them to the block blk, reduce [x x] returns the block
[2 1],
> demonstrating that each of the two x's retained their binding,
> therefore each 'x evaluates to the value it is associated with
by virtue of
> being bound bound in the context of the function it is
associated with.
> Perhaps you felt it necessary to demonstrate non-recursive
function calls,
> because you misunderstood me? To set the record straight:
> 1. Identical tokens that are bound in different contexts ('x
bound in fun1,
> 'x bound in fun2) retain their respective values.
> 2. I am not claiming that in recursive function calls those
words that are
> local to the function being called recursively are duplicated
during the
> recursive call.
> You appear to comment on something I said:
> >As you pointed out, there is a conflict of two things:
> >"Static Context Binding" vs. "Dynamic Value Binding". As a
> >consequence, Use may misbehave during recursive calls.
> Interestingly you agree here with something I never said, nor
intended to
> say. Apparently you did misunderstand me. Maybe I did not
explain what I
> meant well enough.
> Since I am not sure where the misunderstanding begins, let me
start with
> the basics. I'll present my "mental model" of contexts and
discuss context
> behavior of recursive function calls within the context of my
mental model,
> as I understand it.
> My understanding is that the two things that are bound in a
context are a
> word and a value. The relationship between them is loosely
referred to as a
> "binding". A "context" is simply the total of all currently
valid or
> effective bindings. The "Currently Active Context" is the
complete list of
> all word-value pairs that answer the two questions:
> 1. When I evaluate the following statement, which words are
currently bound
> to values?
> 2. When I evaluate the following statement, what values are the
> bound  words currently associated with?
> You can think of a context as a table consisting of two columns,
a word
> column and a value column.
> Given the assignments:
> >> a: 1
> >> b: 2
> >> c: func [x y] [+ x y]
> The Currently Active Context Table would include the following
new bindings:
> word | value
> .    |  .
> .    |  .
> .    |  .
> a    |  1
> b    |  2
> c    |  func [x y] [+ x y]
> There exists a Context Table that is always effective, which is
> called the "Global Context Table". At times, there may be
> context tables effective, "Private Context Tables". The bindings
defined in
> "Private Context Tables" override the bindings defined in the
> Context Table".
> >From the point of a statement that is being evaluated, there
exists a
> hierarchy of "Effective Context Tables". The lowest Context
Table in this
> hierarchy will first be used to search for the value of a word,
and if the
> word is not found in this context table, the search will
continue in
> context tables at higher levels in the context table hierarchy.
The lowest
> table in the context table hierarchy is the context table that
was last
> created, "last" in terms of previous statements that were
> When REBOL identifies a word in its input stream, it replaces
that word by
> the value that word is bound to (and in some instances evaluates
> value, i.e. functions, actions, primitives). In terms of our
> Table", when REBOL evaluates a word, it looks up the value of
the word in
> the "Currently Active Context Table", and replaces the word it
> evaluating by the value it finds in the table. In some instances
REBOL then
> continues to evaluate the value itself, for instance when that
value is a
> function.
> When REBOL encounters the following input,
> >> c a b
> then, given the above context table for c a and b, for instance,
it would
> look up the word c in the word column of the the table and
discover the
> function func [x y] [+ x y]. Because it is a function, REBOL
retrieves AND
> evaluates the function. At the beginning of this evaluation
> determines that two arguments are needed for the function.
Therefore REBOL
> considers the next two tokens in the input stream as the
function's arguments.
> Now REBOL looks up the word 'a in the word column of the table
and finds
> the value 1. In the following piece of pseudo code I express the
fact that
> the first two words, a and b, have been dereferenced (i.e.
replaced by
> their values), and that the second value will be used as the
> first argument, by using the notation x: 1 in the argument block
of the
> function:
> >> func [x: 1 y] [+ x y] b
>           ^^^
> Now REBOL still needs a second argument for the function, a
value that will
> be bound to y. REBOL looks up the word b in the "Context Table"
and passes
> its value to the function:
> >> func [x: 1 y: 2] [+ x y]
>          ^^^^^^^^^
> Multiple "Context Tables"
> At the time REBOL enters the function a new "Context Table"
> effective. This context table, at this point in time, would like
> word | value
> x    |  1
> y    |  2
> The Global Context is effective when REBOL normally evaluates
scripts. In
> addition there are private contexts. When we enter the function,
> context tables are effective, the function's private context
table, in
> which the words x and y are bound to their respective values,
and the
> global context table. (There may be more context tables
effective, if the
> function is defined in a use evaluation block, for instance, or
in a
> function, or in an object.)
> REBOL first looks up words in the functions private context
table, and if
> it cannot find a word there, then REBOL looks up the same word
in context
> tables on a higher level (such as a parent function, or an
object) until it
> reaches the global context table.
> Now REBOL evaluates the function with the two arguments, x and y
set to 1
> and 2 respectively.
> When REBOL encounters the word '+ in the function's body, [+ x
> first looks '+ up in the function's private context table. It
does not find
> '+ there. Therefore REBOL looks up '+ in the global context
table. It does
> find '+ there and now looks for two more tokens in the input
stream, to
> satisfy +'s required two arguments, the values to be added.
REBOL ecounters
> 'x, looks it up in the function's private context table, finds
it there,
> retrieves its values, 1, and passes that value to '+. It does
the same
> thing with 'y.
> Now REBOL evaluates the + function (actually is datatype is
op!), and
> returns the result of this evaluation, hopefully something quite
close to 3
> ;-).
> Recursion And Context Tables: The Context Table Stack
> =====================================================
> Based on the mental model of context tables, how does recursion
work? To
> answer this question, first let us determine, when a private
context table
> is created for a function. Is it at the time the function is
defined, or is
> the table created when the previously defined function is
> To determine that we will first define a global word x:
> >> x: "global word x."
> == "global word x."
> Now we define a function that uses a local word x as its
> >> f: func [x] [x]
> We can look up the value of the argument 'x, by accessing the
second block
> of the function:
> >> first second :f
> == x
> Now let us retrieve the value of this x. We have not yet
evaluated the
> function, we have only created it.
> If REBOL created a private context table for the function at the
time the
> function was defined, then it will not be able to retrieve a
value for x,
> because the function was not evaluated yet, and no value was
assigned to x
> as yet.
> Or there does not exist a private context table for the function
yet, and
> REBOL will look up x in the global context table, find it there
> we just defined a global x), and return the value 1:
> >> get first second :f
> ** Script Error: x has no value.
> ** Where: get first second :f
> Aha, globally x is defined at this point in time. Nevertheless,
> complains that there is no value associated with 'x. Therefore
REBOL must
> have looked up 'x in the private context table, and, because the
> was not evaluated yet, though it did find 'x, it did not find a
> associated with 'x, and accordingly returned an error. The
private context
> table for 'f at this time looks as follows:
> word   |   value
> x      | unassigned
> Now we evaluate the function with the value 222:
> >> f 222
> == 222
> >> get first second :f
> == 222
> Aha, this get first second :f succeeded and returne the value we
> namely 222. The private context table for f now looks like this:
> word   |   value
> x      | 222
> The following function determines all words that are defined
local to a
> function and creates a private context table for that function:
> show-context-table: func ['func-name /local value] [
>   print "Context Table"
>   print "============="
>   print "Word    |   Value"
>   foreach private-word third get func-name [
>     prin mold private-word
>     for i 1 (8 - length? form :private-word) 1 [
>       prin " "
>     ]
>     either error? try

>       value: get (bind :private-word first second get func-name)
>     ] [
>       print "| unassigned"
>     ][
>       print ["|" :value]
>     ]
>   ]
> ]
> Note: this version show-context-table is specific to our
example. It
> assumes that there are no words contained in blocks (if, either,
> foreach ...
> We implement f again (to create a virgin copy in which x is not
> defined), and run show-context-table agains this version of f:
> >> f: func [x] [x]
> >> show-context-table f
> Context Table
> =============
> Word    |   Value
> x       | unassigned
> Now we evaluate f, this time with the value 613
> >> show-context-table f
> Context Table
> =============
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 613
> Now we get the expected resulting private context table for 'f.
> The question we are driving at is, how do context tables behave
> recursive situations. We will use a global word,
recursion-level, to keep
> track of recursions.
> The highest recursion-level (i.e. when the function is not
calling itself
> recursively) will be 0. The recursion level will be incremented,
when the
> function calls itself recursively. We add this information to
> show-context-table's output (the final version of
show-context-table is
> documented at the end of this message):
> >> f: func [x] [x]
> >> show-context-table f
> Context Table of f at recursion level 0
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | unassigned
> >> f 613
> == 613
> >> show-context-table f
> Context Table of f at recursion level 0
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 613
> Now let us add instructions to f that will
> a) call show-context-table during each call to f
> b) increment the recursion-level
> c) if x > 0 , call f with x - 1
> f: func [x] [
>   x
>   show-context-table f
>   recursion-level: recursion-level + 1
>   if x > 0 [ f (x - 1)]
> ]
> Note that we include 'x as the first statement in the function,
so that we
> have a local word in that position to bind to.
> We now call f with a value of 2 and monitor the context table
> recursions:
> >> f 2
> Context Table of f at recursion level 0
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 2
> Context Table of f at recursion level 1
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 1
> Context Table of f at recursion level 2
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 0
> Everything works as we expected it to. The context table the
function f
> reflects the value of x as we decrement x. The final value for x
is 0.
> Now that the recursive function calls are completed, let us see
what f's
> private context table looks like. Recall that the last argument
f was
> called with recursively was 0 (as documented above).
> >> show-context-table f
> Context Table of f at recursion level 3
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 2
> Ooh! Aah! f's private context-table displays the local word 'x
as being
> bound to the value 2, not 0, which was the last value x was set
to by the
> final recursive call.
> How? Why? By virtue of what magic was x set back to 2?
> We modify f, such that upon returning from a recursive call f
> - displays the private context table, and
> - decrements the recursion-level
> - notifies us that is now returning from a recursion, if
recursion-level > 0
> - tells us that f is returning, if the top level of f was
> f: func [x] [
>   x
>   show-context-table f
>   recursion-level: recursion-level + 1
>   if x > 0 [ f (x - 1)]
>   show-context-table f
>   recursion-level: recursion-level - 1
>   either recursion-level > 0 [
>     print "returning from recursion"
>   ][
>     print "returning from f"
>   ]
> ]
> Here is the resulting printout:
> >> f 2
> Context Table of f at recursion level 0
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 2
> Context Table of f at recursion level 1
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 1
> Context Table of f at recursion level 2
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 0
> Context Table of f at recursion level 3
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 0
> returning from recursion
> Context Table of f at recursion level 2
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 1
> returning from recursion
> Context Table of f at recursion level 1
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 2
> returning from f
> We see that upon returning from each recursive call f's context
table is
> re-populated with the value that x was bound to at the recursion
level we
> have returned to.
> What we should note here is that apparently REBOL remembered all
> context tables for the function f, even while it was in the
> (recursive) function call to f. In other words the f function
> temporarily associated with three context tables. At the deepest
> recursion-level the two context tables it acquired during the
> calls to f were remembered.
> It is as though REBOL uses a stack to keep track of intermittent
> tables for a function.
> Are these indeed different context tables, or are they one
context table,
> whose values are being changed?
> We can explore this question by modifying the function f. First
we modify
> show-context-table by skipping occurences of the word /local
(see the
> extended show-context-table function at the end of this
message), then we
> add a local word 'a to the f's declaration. We first display the
> context-table and then we assign a value to 'a.
> Upon returning we once again display the private context table:
> f: func [x /local a] [
>   x
>   show-context-table f
>   a: recursion-level
>   recursion-level: recursion-level + 1
>   if x > 0 [ f (x - 1)]
>   show-context-table f
>   recursion-level: recursion-level - 1
>   either recursion-level > 0 [
>     print "returning from recursion"
>   ][
>     print "returning from f"
>   ]
> ]
> Our expectations:
> 1. If REBOL is re-using the old private context table for this
> then after 'a has been set to a value during the higher
> evaluation of f  (i.e. f before it called itself recursively),
then it
> should find the old value of 'a in its private context table,
before it has
> modified that value.
> 2. If, however, REBOL is using a completely new private context
table at
> each recursion, then 'a should be assigned the value none (which
is what
> local words are initially set to at the time a function is
> before a value assignment statement is evaluated within the
> Here is the result of running this new version of f:
> >> f 2
> Context Table of f at recursion level 1
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 2
> a       | none
> Context Table of f at recursion level 2
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 1
> a       | none
> Context Table of f at recursion level 3
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 0
> a       | none
> returning from recursion
> Context Table of f at recursion level 3
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 0
> a       | 3
> returning from recursion
> Context Table of f at recursion level 2
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 1
> a       | 2
> returning from recursion
> Context Table of f at recursion level 1
> =====================================================
> Word    |   Value
> x       | 2
> a       | 1
> == 0
> At the level 1, before f called itself recursively, we displayed
> context table before we set the local word 'a to a value.
Accordingly, the
> private context table during that evaluation, displays 'a as
> associated with none, the default value for local words.
> Then we 'a associated with the current-recursion level, and
> called f recursively. If f continued to use its previous context
> then, while x was set to a lower level by virtue of the function
call f (x
> - 1), a was not modified yet, so 'a should continue to be
associated with
> 1, the value of recursion-level, during the privous call.
> Accordingly upon entering recursion level 3, 'a should have been
set to 2,
> the result of the assignment of 'a during the higher previous
> That is not the case. Each time we enter a deeper recursion, 'a
is assigned
> none, and when we step out of recursions, 'a shows up in the
> table associated with the value it was assigned during its
> recursion, before evaluating f a a deeper recursion level.
> Conclusion:
> ===========
> 1. Each function is associated with a stack of private context
> During recursive function calls, the private context table of a
function is
> pushed on the stack, and a new context table for that function
is created.
> When a function returns from a deeper recursion level, its
private context
> table is released, and then replaced by the top-most private
context table
> for this function, which is popped off the stack.
> 2. Once the stack is emptied, the function remains associated
with the last
> private context table that was associated with that function.
> I think, Ladislav, that this model explains what happened, when
> function recfunc repeatedly appended x to a block blk, and used
probeblk to
> display the reduced block blk.
> 1. When recfunc was originally called with 3 as its argument, x
> associated with 3 in the function's context, and the reduced
block blk [x]
> evaluated to [3], the value that x was bound to at the time.
> Recfunc's private contex table at recursion level 0:
> word   | value
> x      | 3
> recfunc's private context table stack:
> none
> 2. When recfunc recursively called itself, it's current private
> table was pushed on the context table stack for this function
> contex table stack:
> ===================
> [x 3]
> none
> the same x was appended to blk, now blk consists of two instance
of x [x
> x], both instances being the x bound to a value in the private
> table of recfunc.
> Because this instance of recfunc was called with 2 as its
argument, x in
> the context of recfunc is now bound to the value 2:
> Recfunc's private context table at recursion level 1:
> word   | value
> x      |  2
> Reducing blk consisted of looking up x twice in the recfunc's
context, and
> that context consisted of the binding recorded for 'x in
recfunc's current
> private context table, which was the context table generated
based on the
> assigned of x to the value 2 (see context table above).
> Therefore the reduced block blk returned [2 2], twice the value
that x is
> bound to in the currently active private context table of
> And so on for deeper recursion levels.
> Upon returning from the recurdsions, recfunc's private context
tables are
> popped from the stack, until the top-level private context table
> the currently effective context table:
> Before returning to the top-level private context table:
> recfunc's context table stack:
> ===================
> [x 3]
> none
> recfunc's currently effective private context table:
> =========================================================
> word   | value
> x      |  2
> Now the final context table is popped of the stack:
> recfunc's context table stack:
> ===================
> none
> recfunc's currently effective private context table:
> =========================================================
> word   | value
> x      |  3
> When then probeblk'd recfunc after the recursions had ended, you
> probing the block [x x x] in which all instances of x are bound
in the
> context table of recfunc, which now, once again, associates x
with the
> value that was originally passed to recfunc, namely 3. Reducing
this block
> therefore, now, returns [3 3 3].
> Terminology
> ===========
> I used the term "Static Context" to refer to the context table
that is
> effective at the time the context stack is empty.
> I used the term "Dynamic Context" to refer to the hierarchy of
> tables that are effective during the time at which the function
is being
> evaluated, and the stack is being used to store context tables
> resulted from higher level recursive calls to a function.
> The Complete show-context-table and f functions that I used
> REBOL []
> recursion-level: 0
> show-context-table: func ['func-name /local value] [
>   print ["Context Table of" :func-name "at recursion level"
>   print "====================================================="
>   print "Word    |   Value"
>   foreach private-word third get func-name [
>     if not private-word = 'local [
>       prin mold private-word
>       for i 1 (8 - length? form :private-word) 1 [
>         prin " "
>       ]
>       either error? try

>         value: get (bind :private-word first second get
>       ] [
>         print "| unassigned"
>       ][
>         print ["|" :value]
>       ]
>     ]
>   ]
> ]
> f: func [x /local a] [
>   x
>   show-context-table f
>   a: recursion-level
>   recursion-level: recursion-level + 1
>   if x > 0 [ f (x - 1)]
>   show-context-table f
>   recursion-level: recursion-level - 1
>   either recursion-level > 0 [
>     print "returning from recursion"
>   ][
>     print "returning from f"
>   ]
> ]
> At 03:47 AM 7/20/00 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi Elan,
> >
> >You wrote:
> >"During recursive calls, REBOL is using a dynamic binding for
> >which means that each instance of recfunc, called from within
> >recfunc recursively, has its own context in which 'x is bound
> >the value that was passed to the recfunc instance."
> >
> >I would like to divide the paragraph into two parts:
> >
> >"During recursive calls, REBOL is using a dynamic binding for
> >
> >That looks allright, but the next part makes a problem:
> >
> >"...each instance of recfunc, called from within recfunc
> >recursively, has its own context in which 'x is bound to the
> >that was passed to the recfunc instance"
> >
> >This is true for non-Rebol notion of "contexts". Once we
> >compare this to Rebol Contexts, we see:
> >
> >blk: copy []
> >probeblk: func [] [
> >    prin mold blk
> >    prin ": "
> >    print mold reduce blk
> >]
> >recfun: func [x] [
> >    append blk 'x
> >    either x <= 1 [
> >        probeblk
> >        probe same? first blk second blk
> >    ] [
> >        recfun x - 1
> >    ]
> >]
> >recfun 2
> >
> >The results:
> >
> >>> recfun 2
> >[x x]: [1 1]
> >true
> >== true
> >
> >While:
> >
> >blk: copy []
> >probeblk: func [] [
> >    prin mold blk
> >    prin ": "
> >    print mold reduce blk
> >]
> >fun1: func [x] [
> >    append blk 'x
> >    either x <= 1 [
> >        probeblk
> >        probe same? first blk second blk
> >    ] [
> >        fun2: func [x] [
> >            append blk 'x
> >            probeblk
> >            probe same? first blk second blk
> >        ]
> >        fun2 x - 1
> >    ]
> >]
> >fun1 2
> >
> >And the results:
> >
> >>> fun1 2
> >[x x]: [2 1]
> >false
> >== false
> >
> >>From that is clear, that in the case of Recfun, there is only
> >'x. Words 'x inserted to Blk as the first and the second
> >are in fact just one word 'x that was bound to just one Rebol
> >Context - the (dynamic) Rebol Context of Recfun, while two
> >Contexts in the
> >case of Fun1 and Fun2 mean two words 'x in Blk, each bound to a
> >different Rebol Context (Fun1's context's 'x and Fun2's
> >'x).
> >
> >Similarly the next statement's first part:
> >"Once the recursion expires the context of 'x is again bound to
> >the value it last had before recfunc called itself
> >
> >Is true, if we consider a different kind of binding - "Value
> >Binding", because "Context Binding" remains the same, the only
> >thing changing between Recfun calls is the value of 'x.
> >
> >While the second part:
> >"Once the recursion expires (...), it ('x) is bound in the
> >context of the top-level instance of the recfunc function."
> >
> >Can not be interpreted as Rebol Context change, because Rebol
> >Context remains the same - namely that of Recfun and no Rebol
> >Context change is necessary.
> >
> >As you pointed out, there is a conflict of two things:
> >"Static Context Binding" vs. "Dynamic Value Binding". As a
> >consequence, Use may misbehave during recursive calls.
> >
> >Regards
> >    Ladislav
> >
> >> Hi Ladislav, Brett,
> >>
> >> Ladislav wrote:
> >>
> >> >> blk: copy []
> >> >> probeblk: func [] [
> >> >>     prin mold blk
> >> >>     prin ": "
> >> >>     print mold reduce blk
> >> >> ]
> >> >> recfun: func [x] [
> >> >>     append blk 'x
> >> >>     either x <= 1 [
> >> >>         probeblk
> >> >>     ] [
> >> >>         recfun x - 1
> >> >>     ]
> >> >> ]
> >> >> recfun 3
> >> >> probeblk
> >>
> >> To which Brett replied
> >>
> >> >I would have expected [3 2 1]
> >> >not [1 1 1] nor [3 3 3].
> >>
> >> What you are demonstrating, Ladislav, is IMHO a conflict that
> >results from
> >> the fact that REBOL is using two different binding
> >>
> >> During recursive calls, REBOL is using a dynamic binding for
> >which
> >> means that each instance of recfunc, called from within
> >> recursively, has its own context in which 'x is bound to the
> >value that was
> >> passed to the recfunc instance.
> >>
> >> Once the recursion expires the context of 'x is again bound
> >the value it
> >> last had before recfunc called itself recursively, it is
> >in the
> >> static context of the top-level instance of the recfunc
> >function.
> >>
> >> So 'x exists in multiple contexts: the static context of the
> >function
> >> recfunc, and the temporary dynamic contexts, that are created
> >for each
> >> recfunc instance, when recfunc calls itself recursively.
> >>
> >> When you reduce blk from within a recursively called instance
> >recfunc,
> >> 'x is bound in the temporary dynamic context of the
> >called
> >> function's instance. Once recfunc's loop expires and there
> >no more
> >> recursively called instances of recfunc effective, then 'x is
> >once again
> >> bound in the context of the top-level recfunc function, its
> >static context,
> >> and the reduced block evaluates to the value that 'x is bound
> >in that
> >> context.
> >>
> >>
> >> At 11:44 PM 7/19/00 +1000, you wrote:
> >> >I would have expected [3 2 1]
> >> >not [1 1 1] nor [3 3 3].
> >> >
> >> >But I find it difficult to answer what I want, because the
> >function argument
> >> >x seems like it's in a bit of a no-mans land (I'm thinking
> >:x )
> >> >
> >> >My brain hurts now. :)
> >> >Brett.
> >> >
> >> >----- Original Message -----
> >> >From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 5:03 PM
> >> >Subject: [REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:(3)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >>
> >> >> > Hi Ladislav, 15-Jul-2000 you wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > >you are right, the problem is caused by a context
> >> >> manipulation -
> >> >> > >Use unsets your Middle every time it gets executed. My
> >> >> suggestion
> >> >> > >is to not use Use in recursive functions, while this
> >problem
> >> >> > >doesn't get corrected.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Judging from the nature of recursiveness, that's a
> >hard,
> >> >> isn't it? ;-)
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Do you know if this problem has already been reported to
> >> >> feedback?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Kind regards,
> >> >> > --
> >> >> > Ole Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Amiga is a trademark of Amiga Inc.
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> You should probably report it to feedback. BTW, did you
> >succeed to
> >> >> sort the permutations correctly?
> >> >>
> >> >> One more question for everybody. What do you want to see
> >after
> >> >> executing:
> >> >>
> >> >> blk: copy []
> >> >> probeblk: func [] [
> >> >>     prin mold blk
> >> >>     prin ": "
> >> >>     print mold reduce blk
> >> >> ]
> >> >> recfun: func [x] [
> >> >>     append blk 'x
> >> >>     either x <= 1 [
> >> >>         probeblk
> >> >>     ] [
> >> >>         recfun x - 1
> >> >>     ]
> >> >> ]
> >> >> recfun 3
> >> >> probeblk
> >> >>
> >> >> Regards
> >> >>     Ladislav
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> ;- Elan [ : - ) ]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ;- Elan [ : - ) ]

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