In the part 4 I forgot to introduce a special kind of Contexts:

f) Dangerous Contexts. Example:

    f: func [x] []
    special-context? first first :f


I obviously cannot claim that Same-context? works in this case.

Now I supply another interesting function:

; actually, Thomas Jensen was first there (nice work), but this
function is able to find even the Unset Words
context-words: func [
    {returns all Context Words of a Word's Context}
    word [word!]
    /local result c-word
] [
    either special-context? word [
        ; we are out of luck in this case
    ] [
        result: copy []
        foreach g-word first system/words [
            if not same? g-word c-word: bind g-word word [
                append result c-word

to be continued...

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