> workpath: join currentpath [first path "albumpath.data"]
> currentdata: join {"} [load to-url workpath {"}]
> currentalbum: load to-url workpath
> append block currentdata

I'm still not sure of your intent. Can you just write what you intend,
rather than just trying to write something? You'll then be writing Rebol.

Have you looked at using 'read and 'write?

> currentalbum: load to-url workpath

    could be better written as:
        current_album: read album

If you just want all the commas stripped out of the text, then something
like this:
        while [found find? current_album ","] [
            remove find? current_album ","
    I also feel sure that there was an easier way to do the above in rebol,
but it's late at night and I'm tired.

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, 25 July 2000 10:01 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Use of commas in text data import

> Ok.
> So now I am importing data files made of text.
> If the imported text data includes a comma, like that.
> It hangs the process and breaks.
> Is there a way to specify that the data being imported should be read as
> text and not to hang on any punctuation?
> workpath: join currentpath [first path "albumpath.data"]
> currentdata: join {"} [load to-url workpath {"}]
> currentalbum: load to-url workpath
> append block currentdata
> that is the basic code to import this text data
> I tried earlier string! or to-string and it removed all the spaces between
> the words, so that was no good.
> Thanks
> Jeff Rubin, CTO/Co-Founder
> Audiopia
> Shutup and Listen...
> http://www.audiopia.com
> also check out my personal site Brainbyte!
> http://www.brainbyte.com

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